Monday, August 18, 2008

Spamming Adsense

Posted by Doris on Yahoo Answers
you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website

After being redirected to you find this garbage telling you how to spam

Internet advertising plans
we can provide you with a cost effective solution to your internet advertising requirements. We will work closely with you throughout the design process, and ensure the web site is exactly what your business needs.
Multimedia custom designs internet marketing plans based upon your unique objectives, budget, and goals. We design and place powerful banner ads for your web site on appropriate high traffic web sites. We will research keywords, measure site performance and assist you in designing an internet marketing strategy or pay-per-click campaign.

Search Engine Optimization Definition

Search engine optimization is defined as an internet marketing strategy composed by a set of ethical onsite and offsite practices applied in the promotion, design and structure of a website, with the purpose of gaining relevancy to reach the highest ranking for the natural search results of given keywords and phrases.

Why is so Important?
Because search engines drive more than half of all the internet traffic, people that finds your website in a natural listing in search results seeking information about your site theme costs you nothing, and are highly targeted visitors. It is the key in which to focus through out the process to build your own website and reach a high ranking since the beginning.

Onsite and Offsite SEO

Google which is the most important search engine at this moment, uses a sophisticated algorithm to rank websites which takes into account more than 100 onsite and offsite elements, to determine both relevance and importance of a website for a particular term or phrase, and then list them in descending order on a search engine results page (SERP).

This is why search engine optimization is now divided in Onsite Optimization and Offsite Optimization and these are conformed as well by several elements, leaving out any will affect the overall effectiveness of the optimization campaign as a whole. Each element has a specific weight for each search engine but they do not disclose how much, so optimizing all the on site and off site elements known to affect a website ranking, is the right way to optimize a site.

Some webmasters think that onsite or onpage optimization elements are not critical to worry about when trying to rank well for a search term, I totally disagree with that, I think onsite optimization is as important as offsite optimization, sites that are highly optimized for a particular keyword can outrank sites that are less optimized but have a higher pagerank, so if you are serious about getting a high rank do not underestimate any element, it will affect the overall effectiveness of the optimization campaign as a whole.

For information about onsite and offsite search engine optimization and its elements, please visit our onsite search engine optimization and offsite search engine optimization pages.

Search Engine Optimization Principles
If you stop for a moment and think what sort of site you want to find when you make a search, of course your answer would be a site that is clearly about your specific search terms and has rich content. Then good search engines must provide what you are searching for; otherwise you could stop using them and switch to a competitor.

Then the principle is based on that a website should be made to deliver important and timely content about specific things, because this is both what a good search engine and what people is looking for, fulfilling this will generate more traffic. So even that you have to optimize your site so that search engines software find what they are looking for to listed in results pages, your site must be primarily written for people

spam, spam


Anonymous said...

What I have been doing is reporting every single one of these and getting his adsense account(s) banned. If you google "anyone blue links" you can see where he has posted them. I am so annoyed at this random spam that I am actually taking the time to go through them all. His main adsense spam site, the siteinfo, was banned within 6 hours of reporting. This made me feel somewhat less annoyed.

sparks_mex said...

I've reported the original a few times weeks ago. Google busy?

Thanks for the tip to look further

Anonymous said...

Now this person is launching random blogs with adsense and keeping up with the "anyone blue link" wording in yahoo answers. How many adsense accounts can this guy possibly open?? I think it's fun getting him shut down.


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Anyone that would SPAM you could just as well steal your identity. They will surely at least sell your Email to other Spammers

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